Exploring the World of Autoflowering Seeds: How to Grow Your Own Marijuana


The world of marijuana cultivation has seen significant advancements in recent years. One of the most exciting developments is the rise of autoflowering seeds. These innovative seeds have revolutionized the way people grow cannabis, making it easier and more accessible for both beginners and experienced growers alike. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of autoflowering seeds and explore how you can grow your own marijuana using these exceptional seeds.

What are Autoflowering Seeds?

Autoflowering seeds are a type of cannabis seed that automatically transitions from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage without any changes in lighting conditions. Unlike traditional photoperiod seeds, which require a specific light cycle to trigger flowering, autoflowering seeds have been genetically bred to flower based on age rather than light exposure.

The Benefits of Growing with Autoflowering Seeds

  • Shorter Growing Cycle: One of the primary benefits of growing with autoflowering seeds is their short life cycle. Most autoflowering strains go from seed to harvest in just 8-12 weeks, compared to traditional photoperiod strains that can take up to 4-6 months. This shorter growing cycle allows for multiple harvests per year and faster results.

  • Beginner-Friendly: Autoflowering seeds are perfect for novice growers who may not have extensive knowledge or experience in cultivating cannabis. These seeds are more forgiving and require less maintenance compared to photoperiod strains. They are also more resistant to common pests and diseases.

  • Stealthy and Discreet: Autoflowering plants tend to be smaller in size compared to photoperiod plants, making them an excellent choice for growers who need to keep their cultivation activities low-key. The compact size also makes them suitable for indoor growing setups with limited space.

  • Resilient and Hardy: Autoflowering strains are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in various environmental conditions. They can withstand fluctuations in temperature, humidity, and light intensity, making them suitable for outdoor growing in less ideal climates.

  • Continuous Harvesting: Due to their short life cycle, autoflowering strains allow for continuous harvesting. By staggering the planting of seeds, growers can ensure a steady supply of fresh marijuana throughout the year.

  • How to Grow Autoflowering Seeds

    Step 1: Germination

    To start your autoflowering journey, you need to germinate the seeds. There are several methods you can use for germination, including the paper towel method, direct planting in soil, or using specialized germination kits. Regardless of the method you choose, it’s crucial to provide a warm and moist environment for the seeds to sprout successfully.

    Step 2: Seedling Stage

    Once your seeds have germinated and sprouted taproots, it’s time to transfer them into small pots or seedling trays with well-draining soil. Place the pots under a grow light or in a sunny spot where they will receive at least 18 hours of light each day. Keep the soil consistently moist but not overly saturated.

    Step 3: Vegetative Stage

    During this stage, your autoflowering feminized marijuana seeds plants will develop leaves and branches. Provide them with ample light (preferably LED grow lights) and maintain a temperature range between 70-85°F (21-29°C). Keep an eye on nutrient levels and adjust accordingly based on leaf color and overall plant health.

    Step 4: Flowering Stage

    Unlike photoperiod strains that require specific light cycles to trigger flowering, autoflowering plants will automatically transition from the vegetative stage to flowering after a certain number of weeks (usually around 3-4 weeks). At this point, reduce the lighting hours to 12 hours per day to simulate the natural light cycle of late summer or early fall.

    Step 5: Nutrient and Watering Schedule

    Autoflowering strains have a shorter life cycle, which means they have less time to recover from nutrient deficiencies or overfeeding. Start with a light nutrient schedule and gradually increase as the plants mature. Monitor the pH levels of your soil or hydroponic system to ensure optimal nutrient uptake.

    When it comes to watering, autoflowering strains prefer slightly moist soil but not waterlogged conditions. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot and other issues. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again.

    Step 6: Harvesting

    Autoflowering plants typically reach maturity within 8-12 weeks from seed. The trichomes (resin glands) on the buds will change color from clear to milky white or amber, indicating that it’s time to harvest. Use a jeweler’s loupe or magnifying glass to inspect the trichomes for optimal harvest time.

    To harvest, carefully trim off the branches using clean pruning shears. Hang the branches upside down in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space for drying. Once dry, remove the buds from the branches and store them in airtight containers in a cool, dry place.


  • Q: Are autoflowering seeds suitable for outdoor growing? A: Yes, autoflowering seeds are excellent for outdoor growing due to their resilience and ability to withstand various environmental conditions.

  • Q: Can I grow autoflowering seeds indoors? A: Absolutely! Autoflowering seeds thrive in indoor environments and are ideal for growers with limited space.

  • Q: How many times can I harvest autoflowering plants in a year? A: With their short life cycle of 8-12 weeks, you can typically harvest autoflowering plants multiple times per year.

  • Q: Do I need to adjust the lighting schedule for autoflowering seeds? A: No, autoflowering seeds do not require specific lighting schedules. They transition from the vegetative stage to flowering based on age rather than light exposure.

  • Q: Can I clone autoflowering plants? A: While it is possible to clone autoflowering plants, it is generally not recommended due to their short life cycle and limited time for recovery.

  • Q: Are autoflowering strains less potent than photoperiod strains? A: Not necessarily. Many autoflowering strains have high THC levels and produce potent buds comparable to photoperiod strains.

  • Conclusion

    Exploring the world of autoflowering seeds opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for marijuana growers. With their shorter growing cycle, beginner-friendly nature, and continuous harvesting potential, autoflowering seeds offer convenience and flexibility like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting out, give these exceptional seeds a try and experience the joy of growing your own marijuana with ease and success.

    So why wait? Dive into the world of autoflowering seeds today and embark on an exciting journey of cultivating your own cannabis paradise!
